Econ class Experiments is the webpage where we collect the material for the book Experiments with Economic Principles that Ted Bergstrom, Marcus Giamattei, Humberto Llavador and John H. Miller are currently writing.
About us
What we share is our belief in experiments as an important teaching tool.
We want to facilitate teaching with experiments in order to make economics expericenceable.
Ted and John published their seminal book Experiments with Economic Principles: Microeconomics on how to teach economics with experiments with the use of pen-and-paper experiments. This book was used all around the world. Humberto designed the Introduction to Microeconomics course at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) with the use of many experiments out of the book and created extra companion material. Marcus visited UPF and brought with him his online tool classEx to run experiments in the classroom with the use of mobile devices. Since then, classEx has been used at UPF by more than 500 students per year.
Finally, we all decided to collaborate to bring to life with classEx the wonderful experiments in Ted and John’s book, so that instructors around the world can play them easily with their students.

Ted Bergstrom

Marcus Giamattei

Humberto Llavador

John H. Miller
We want to thank all those who, over the years, have used these experiments and shared with us their experiences; and in particular to many faculty and TAs at Pompeu Fabra University and University of Alicante. We are specially indebted to Carmen Bevià, Francesco Cerigioni, Nagore Iriberri, Gianmarco León, Rosemarie Nagel, Joel Sandonís, Christiane Schweisser and Gianandrea Staffiero for their always helpful comments; Johann Graf Lambsdorff, who co-founded classEx; Pablo López Aguilar and Thomas Woiczyk for their help in the programing and implementation of many experiments and warm-up quizzes; and Eduardo Dávila, Sara Hernández, and Cristina Vila, who worked in the first versions of the Excel files years ago. Last, but no least, we must thank Vernon Smith and Charles Plott for showing us the way to use experiments in economics.
We are grateful for the support and funding received from the Center for Learning Innovation and Knowledge (CLIK) at Pompeu Fabra University.
The new design of the web and the program to convert LaTeX files to HTML and PDFs was made possible thanks to Antonio Ordoñez from OmincomPrGroup.